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 Welcome To The AEP Game Plan 
Innovative Programs & Prospects
Available For Agents Nationwide

How To Get More Appointments This AEP,
A Client Retention & Expansion Program!

Now Is Not The Time To Take Things For Chance, Now Is The Time For An
AEP Game Plan...

(Up Your Game To 150+ Enrollments This AEP)

FIRST: Click Here to go to an AEP Specialist Site that you receive with your phone number and your email address to book ANOC (Annual Notice Of Change) Review Appointments. Listen to the Short Podcast on that page and then return to this page and listen to short message below.

  Listen to How It Works:  
(Be Sure To Turn Volume UP)

Early Reviews Are Coming In For The AEP Game Plan...   These Are Only The Tip Of The Iceberg:

1) Agent said, "What an easy way to contact my current clients and let them know that I'm watching out for them."

2) Client said, "No agent has ever provided me this kind of service before. Thank You So Much!"

3) Agent said, "I'm excited because a number of people that I have spoken with are going to invite their neighbors to the ANOC Review."

4) Client asked Agent, "If she could give my (AEP Specialist) website link to her friends."

5) Agent said, "It's fun calling and telling prospects about this free service and all I do is send my Personal AEP Specialist Website Link to them, to have them reserve an ANOC Review."

6) Agent said, "Two Hundred ANOC Review Appointments should be easy, I already have 24 in the first 3 days. This is the best AEP Game Plan Program EVER"

7) Agent said, "What a great way to get referrals, I'm telling my clients that they can forward my Personal AEP Specialist Website Link to others, to help them as well."

8) Client told Agent, "He is going to tell his friends what a great Medicare Agent he has and one that looks out for him." (think referrals)

9) Agent said, "Having 200 appts already scheduled before Oct 1st is an amazing feat, just imagine the referrals I will get. I feel really good about this upcoming AEP."

10) Client told Agent, "I have never heard of ANOC (Annual Notice Of Change) Reviews from other agents, what a great service you offer. Is it ok if I tell others about you?"

11) Client told Agent, "I have always been confused when it comes to whether I should make a change or not, I haven't heard from my agent since they signed me up 4 years ago. This year, at last, I have help with an ANOC Review that you provide at no charge... thank you, thank you, thank you!"

12) Client told Agent, "Thank you for the information on the AEP Podcast, very informative. If you hadn't warned me beforehand I would have gone into Cardiac Arrest (just kidding) when I received the ANOC Letter as I don't like surprises... thank you again and I look forward to seeing you for the ANOC Review!"

Also, we have been advised that a number of go-getter agents will be providing ANOC Reviews to local Churches, Mobile Home Communities and Senior Apartment Communities. They just send their personal website link (AEP Specialist) to the Churches, etc. and let them know that they are providing ANOC Reviews as an Outreach Program for their members / residents to take advantage of to make sure they are receiving all of the Benefits that they Want, Need and Deserve!

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This Year's AEP Will Be Like No Other AEP That We Have Ever Seen Due To All Of The Changes Happening All At Once OR As Many Are Saying & Is Being Widely Reported As: AEP Disruptions - Meaning In This Case, A Radical Change In Benefits For MAPD's & Part D Plans happening in this upcoming AEP (Annual Enrollment Period).

The Word Is That Up To 90% Of Medicare-Eligibles May Be Looking At Plan Changes, The Busiest AEP In Over 18 Years. With NEW CMS Rules, MAPD's Benefits Cutbacks Up To 25%, PDP's Monthly Premiums That May Double, Medicare Supplements Monthly Premiums That May Have Double Digit Increases AND Add To That, Cut Backs In Agent's Marketing Help From FMO's, Etc., These Are Trying Times For Agents, To Say The Least!

The Sad News Is That Agents That Haven't Planned Ahead Will Lose Many Of Their Clients To TV Commercials, Natl Call Centers Or Other Local Agents This AEP.   Don't Let This Be You...

The Key To Success Is Plan Ahead, Plan Now!   Despite your efforts in the past, your clients will be talking with their friends and neighbors about the benefits being cut in their Medicare Advantage / Rx Drug Plans or rising costs and be searching for another option. Don't Let This Happen To You - Be Proactive & Get Ahead Of 3rd Party Discussions With Your Clients & Prospects By Taking Advantage Of The AEP Game Plan...

Let Clients & Prospects Know That You Are The Person To Go To, The Person That Is Knowledgeable About The Medicare Market And Medicare Benefits.
The referrals that you will receive from this AEP Game Plan will be unlike anything you have ever seen!

The Sooner You Send Out Your Personalized AEP Specialist Website Link To Clients, Prospects & Referrals, To View The Podcast On Your Personalized Site, The More The Medicare-Eligible Will Appreciate Your Knowledge & Your Vital Updates And The More Appointments (ANOC Reviews) You Will Have!   Start Today...

Now Included In The Medicare Agent's T65 & ME (Medicare-Eligibles) Marketing Program...
This Year's AEP Game Plan Includes:

1) You Receive:

AEP Specialist Personalized Website*  (Includes Set-Up & Hosting)

*With Your Email & Phone Number

Just send YOUR Website Link out to Clients / Prospects / Referrals!

The Appointments Will Pour In & Keep Your Phone Ringing Off The Hook!

2) You Also Receive:

Your State's List of Prospects, Scrubbed Against DNC: Age 64 - Age 84

What Are Medicare-Eligibles Concerns?
(If You Don't Address Them, Someone Else Will)

A Number Of Changes May Occur In MAPD / Medicare Advantage Plans This Year, and they can affect any of the following: monthly premium, annual deductibles, out-of-pocket maximum, copays for medical services or medications, the network of doctors or pharmacies, and the drug formulary which is the list of generic and brand-name drugs that your plan covers. If there are changes made to any of these, your clients & prospects will need to evaluate what they should do in response.

For Instance, their drug plan may no longer cover one or more of the medications that they are taking. If that's the case, they could enroll in a new Part D drug plan that does provide coverage. Or they might learn that their doctor and pharmacy are no longer in the network. That means there will need to look for a plan with doctors in their network or commit to finding new providers who are in network.

Their plan's Out-Of-Pocket Maximum may even change, and if it's not something they can afford, they will search for a plan with a lower limit.

They should also consider their own health. Do they require a different level of care now than they did earlier in the year? If So, It's Time To Make Sure Their Current Plan Meets Their Future Needs.

Evaluating These Changes and Shopping Around To See What Is Currently Available This Year Could End Up Helping Them Save Money On Their Healthcare Expenses.

The ANOC / Annual Notice of Change Letter will give a summary of any changes in your client's plans costs and coverage that will take effect January 1st of next year. It also provides important information about their benefits and costs and it can help them decide whether to keep their current plan or look for a new Medicare Advantage Plan or Prescription Drug Plan during AEP which is also called the Annual Enrollment Period which runs from Oct 15th to Dec 7th.

It Has Been Reported That Benefits from some Medicare Advantage Plans could be cut by as much as up to 25% this year, PDP's / Prescription Drug Plans may double their monthly premiums and have higher co-pays or have a smaller formulary, and Medicare Supplements may have a double digit monthly premium increase. This is mostly due to less money being available to Medicare Advantage Plans as well as higher inflation and increased costs for PDP's & Medicare Supplements, new government regulations and new policies implemented over the last couple of years, etc.

Don't lose clients because you didn't stay on top of this AEP Disruption, Join The AEP Game Plan Today to not only save your current clients but to gain new clients that other agents have neglected. This Will Be An Amazing Year For Referrals... In the long run, this should be your best AEP EVER although a very busy one!

With This AEP Game Plan, Receive Your Own Personal Page, With Your Helpline Number and Your Email Address To Receive ANOC Review Requests. Your Page Will Look Like The Page Below Except With Your Helpline Number & Your Email Address. An Example Of What Your Personal AEP Specialist Page Will Look Like Is A Sample Of My Page:   www.AEPSpecialist.com/dkt.html

All You Do Is Send Out Your Website Link (By Email, Text or Phone & Also Great To Stamp Website Link On Back Of Business Cards) To Your Current Clients, Your Prospects & Your Referrals, The Results Are Magical...

Be sure to let them know that it's alright for their neighbors and friends to attend if they want (just get SOA prior to mtg for unexpected guests) - You Will Be Amazed At The ANOC Reviews That Will Be Scheduled.

The Sooner You Send Out Your Personalized AEP Website Link To Clients, Prospects & Referrals, To View The Podcast On Your Personalized Site, The More Appointments You Will Have!  Start Today...   It Really Is That Simple!

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